Friday, August 24, 2012

Putting one foot in front of the other

I feel as though I am just going through the motions, trying hard to put one foot in front of the other.  Try to take care of the dog, waking up, most days staying in pjs (not able to work right now due to health stuff - frustrating and stressful but sometimes I can ignore that) yet other days pushing to get dressed even if I stay inside, picking books to re-read or movies to re-watch, finding shows on television to watch, reading new books (photo above is "Swimming Lessons" by Mary Alice Monroe which I started and finished reading yesterday), helping around the house (particularly washing dishes), doing laundry (finally washed all of my bedding as well -- aside from my throw blanket but that's fine it is still warm out)...

Unfortunately still become very annoyed when the telephone wakes me up --  FIVE phone calls between 9:44am and 10:04am today -- I have rambled about how I am a NIGHT OWL and being woken up early usually indicates a bad day for me?  Hmm... Moving on -- yesterday I helped make three different types of tea sandwiches, having a surprise birthday tea party this afternoon for a family friend (also taking the birthday cake over and helping set up) so I am keeping this short.  Probably will not post again today and might even try to squeeze in a nap if possible!  Have picked two new books to read -- and am very much hoping to spend more time with "my" France family because my godson will be going home in about a week and a half!! Sad to be losing that wonderful opportunity to always have a smile brought to my face.  Enjoy the time I have left with them, keep putting one foot in front of the other, and try to find little projects to help pass the time.  Hoping everyone has a wonderful Friday

EDIT: I forgot to comment on this book!  "Swimming Lessons" surrounds sea turtles and closely follows four friends who journey the highs and lows of life -- I found it to be a good and moving book that is worth re-reading.  Life lessons...

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