Saturday, November 24, 2012

If you have good thoughts

"If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely" ~Ronald Dahl (I realized I have read most of his books) ... I like the giraffes in this image, and the quote brings up a nice image... I am in a much better place than I was a couple of months back, but I still feel like I am not quite up to the "you will always look lovely" -- even when I have a ton of good thoughts! I have been frustrated by my perceived lack of progress -- well, it is actually a lack of progress at this moment in time.  I have hit a plateau, a wall, a block, something.  Trying to find people to hang out with, things to get me up and out and motivated.  I will keep at it and things will be fine.  In the meantime, thinking of others who need prayers and good thoughts! Off to help with a few things and to read more of my book.  Trying to avoid going to any stores until at least Monday (if I can) -- there are lots of sales but too many people so overall am having a nice weekend with the dog curled up next to me.  Did have Thanksgiving dinner with relatives, but decided against going to the movie theater just yet.  Keep forgetting to take pictures of the setting sun, very pretty almost every night the past week!

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