Monday, July 30, 2012

July is almost over!

I really do not know where the time goes... There are so many things to catch up on yet when I go to sit down and type I either find the memories slipping away or reach for them and they have disappeared already!

Let me go back to last summer because I want to include at least two photos here.  The first one is from the pond in the backyard (this year there are so many more water lilies -- but I do not know where I placed the camera so a photo from last year will have to do).  The second photo was taken by a friend during an afternoon trip up to Mono Lake -- last summer I worked for two months up in Mammoth Lakes, CA (helped out at a camp).  Nature is so great, and hopefully these two photos give a glimpse into that beauty:

I might have mentioned there was a wedding on each side of my family this past April (2012)... Perhaps not.  Well I did want to add a photo from each -- the first photo is of my table setting and the second is of the desert table.  Weddings in particular I find to be a great opportunity to catch up with family and friends (as well as a place to make new friends) however I decided to not include any photos of individuals other than myself, simply the quickest of glimpses into both after parties

I have not added too much in the way of information, so I want to be sure to add that overall my health has been doing fine (although I have to work on walking again) and to add the news that my godson and twin sister looked so cute that I have to include one photo of them from this past winter -- and the wonderful news that they are in CA instead of France for the moment!  (Huge reason why trying to write here has not been anywhere near the top of my to do list -- that plus the past two months I have been working at a rec center fairly close to where I live).  Photo sent to me when they were in France, one of the rare "good weather" days towards the end of winter -- hope everyone smiles today!

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