Sunday, March 6, 2011

Brief update...

Okay, let me see if I can ramble briefly...

Thursday night I was actually able to fall asleep early, but then was woken up by a friendly phone call and unfortunately ended up spending a good two hours trying to fall back asleep - partially because I had not made it to the grocery store nor was I able to find my camera.

Friday I slept through my first alarm but I had set another and was able to make it to my aunts' where I ended up spending roughly eight hours - most with my six-month-old cousin!  She was so cute and did not cry much at all - very unusual for her but it made the day more fun for me!  (Still wish I had a camera though - oh well).  As the day progressed I noticed my aunt had a sore throat and developed a bit of a fever -- it turns out that it was a great day for me to help her out.  We picked up my seven-year-old cousin from school; the four of us went grocery shopping; I played with both my cousins while my aunt was able to rest and then take a nap...

Friday night I left feeling happy and tired - then got a phone call that my sister was in the E.R. because of bloody bowl movements and they were keeping her at least overnight.  Obviously I was then awake and worried about her.  Luckily she had her own temporary room and I could call (her cell phone battery of course was dying) - we talked off and on until after midnight, and in between calls I started reading Louisa May Alcotts' story "Little Women" to help my mind not wander.

Fell asleep roughly around one in the morning, then was up again at seven to call and see how my sisters' night went - okay overall but she couldn't talk long because another doctor showed up.  I napped for another two hours then spent most of Saturday finishing "Little Women" and playing the waiting game, seeing if she was to be released after her colonoscopy or if she would have to stay another night (in which case I was going to go and stay for at least several hours in the evening.

Luckily everything came back clear and she was released late Saturday afternoon.  I made it to the grocery store but did not get around to my homework.  Guess I need to get that done now!  Thankful that things are much better - except the dog is now barking so I am off to see if it is the mailman or someone walking by the front door :)

[Okay, not a brief rambling, but I guess that was not going to happen]

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